UAE Bloggers: Thuymi & Mitch of AdventureFaktory

Thuymi and Mitch are the couple behind, an online magazine website that focuses on active travel, sports, fitness, and health & wellness. They have been blogging for more than 4 years and are currently travelling full-time.

Thuymi and Mitch used to have jobs in Dubai, but they’ve switched careers and have ventured into freelance writing and creating content for their clients and for their brand. It’s great to know that they’re able to create a sustainable lifestyle according to their interests and fields of expertise.

This adventure couple publishes great content of their trips and experiences. Check out their amazing photos from their Instagram feed for some travel inspiration.

They consider their site as more of an online magazine as opposed to a travel blog. They now have contributors writing for their page. It’s nice to learn that they’re constantly developing their content and growing their website into something even bigger.

adventure faktory desert

UAE Travel & Fitness Couple: Thuymi and Mitch of

In our feature, Mitch and Thuymi share their story of how they met and came to Dubai, their future plans for AdventureFaktory as well as their goals on travel. They also share tips for other aspiring bloggers and UAE influencers in building a brand and creating content online. Check out our interview below!

1. Tell us a little about yourselves.

Mitch is from Australia and Thuymi is Canadian. We have been based in the UAE for three and a half years and it is a great place to travel from. We met in Vietnam and both moved to Dubai for our jobs. We are now freelance writing and creating content for our clients and audience on

On our spare time, we are organizing curated travel experiences for clients and traveling every chance we can get. Thuymi also still works in her consulting in strategy and Mitch is working on his Executive MBA with RMIT University. We are into active travel and since before we met, we’ve always been into travelling the world looking for adventures.


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2. Can you tell our readers more about your blog?

Our website has been active for four and half years. AdventureFaktory is exactly as it sounds, a factory full of adventures and when we thought of the name, we wanted to make sure that it would be a sustainable name which we can create a brand out of it and hire a team of writers that share our lifestyle.

We created this platform initially for Thuymi to view other Bloggers for her marketing consultancy and it just grew from there as we gained more and more readers internationally. We specialize on active and luxury travel, finding the unusual travel destinations, often off the beaten track… that is a true luxury.

Thuymi Mitch Adventure Faktory

3. What are your top places to visit/attractions in the UAE?

The UAE has an abundance of attractions to see. When we are there, we always make sure we take our friends to the water fountain show in Dubai Mall, nestled under the world’s tallest building, the Burj Khalifa.

Another attraction we encourage people to see is the Grand Mosque in Abu Dhabi. It is a stunning feature and the biggest mosque in the world accessible to non-muslims.

For those who have time, we make them visit Ras Al Khaimah and do some fun outdoorsy activities. It is probably our favourite place to escape Dubai!

4. What are the restaurants that you recommend in the UAE?

Dubai has such a plethora of quality restaurants to choose from. If you are in the mood for seafood then the beach joint on Bu Qtair is one we like to recommend visitors. Our regulars for good food are Comptoir 102 and Hoi An in the Shangri-La Hotel on SZR. Fish is another restaurant we like to be for sunset and grab some good Mediterranean.


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5. What’s a common misconception you had about Dubai or the UAE that’s been dispelled after you got here?

Before we arrived, we were very worried about how restrictive everything would be, from clothing, lifestyle rules and religious control. However, we found out that it is an extremely liberal city, with plenty of friendly and open people. We thought Dubai would be a boring place but man how exciting is it?!

We are so happy to live in Dubai and love that there are tons of things to do. What we probably like the most is that people are motivated and ambitious.

6. What has been your most successful blog post and what is it about?

By the numbers, one of our most successful blog post has been about the Longest Zip Line in the world in Ras Al Khaimah in the UAE. We have also have many people view our article about seeing the Great Pyramids of Egypt.

dubai bloggers thuymi and mitch of adventurefaktory

7. Name some of the bloggers/personalities whom you look up to and why?

Even though it is part of what we do and our entourage, we don’t really religiously follow many people. We do have some amazing photographers we look up to such as @cocoanext and @harimaolee and in Dubai we highly like @Haifa for her majestic personality and the mission she stands for of inspiring the Arab youth.

8. What tips can you share to aspiring bloggers in the UAE?

If you’re going into it, enjoy the process, don’t do it for the numbers and the potential of making brand collabs. Make sure you’re not just one of them and that you got into the journey to create an added value to the internet world. Of course, make sure you are passionate about the niche you will focus on.

As you grow, go above and beyond with your deliverables and don’t have an ego. Your reputation and quality of work will bring in more opportunities for your website.


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9. Can you give us more details about your future plans for the blog or on travelling?

We don’t call it the blog anymore. We like to consider it as a business and as an online travel magazine. We have a few writers now and we plan on expanding the services to add value to our readers. Meanwhile we grow the platform, we are living our dream to travel the world the most we can before we want to settle a bit more.

We have some great plans coming up. We are off to Antarctica at the start of November with EduOutings and we are very much looking forward to visiting the last continent we are yet to conquer.

Adventure Faktory Mitch Thuymi

It’s a wonderful idea to know that you can build a blog and make it into a successful brand. If you are looking for some profiles to follow in the area of travel, sports, wellness and lifestyle, you may want to check out AdventureFaktory.

Connect with Thuymi and Mitch Online

Instagram: @AdventureFaktory
Facebook: @AdventureFaktory
Twitter: @AFTravels
YouTube: AdventureFaktory

*Images provided by Thuymi and Mitch.

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