UAE Blogger: Meghana Rao of Megsblogged

Meghana is a Dubai-based blogger who writes about food, travel, lifestyle, and books. She blogs at and has been maintaining it for 3 years now. She is also passionate about theater and arts, music, fashion, tennis and photography.

Coming from India, Meghana came to Dubai with her family and they’ve been here for 15 years. She used to work in the academics field prior to blogging.

It’s interesting to know that she has travelled to over 45 countries — you can read her travel adventures here. She has also written for various news and media publications in the UAE.

megsblogged uae blogger

UAE Blogger Interview: Meg of

In our feature, Meghana shares how she started blogging, her favourite books as well as recommended attractions and restaurants in the UAE. She also suggests a few personalities to follow in the UAE. Check out our quick interview below.

1. Tell us a little about yourself.

I am from India and moved to Dubai 15 years ago. My husband’s job brought us to Dubai. Before I got into blogging, I was in the field of academics.

2. Can you tell our readers more about your blog?

I started my blog 3 years ago, it is about food, travel and books. My love for travelling, reading, good food and writing is what made me start my blog.
My domain name is based on my pet name Megs.

My blog is listed in the top 100 blogs in Dubai and top 50 in Dubai lifestyle blogs. I’ve also written about food, travel and books in prestigious publications like Ahlan Masala and Weekend (Khaleej Times).

3. What are your top places to visit/attractions in the UAE?

Burj Khalifa, Old Dubai including the souks, heritage and historical districts and Palm Jumeirah.

meghana rao blogger

4. What are the restaurants that you recommend in the UAE?

Zuma, Le Petite Maison and Boca. Some of the best restaurants are in DIFC.

5. I understand you like to read, what books do you recommend?

I like to read both fiction and non fiction. Some of the books I like to recommend are Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom, Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell, most of William Dalrymple’s books and the Silk Roads by Peter Frankopan.

6. What’s a common misconception you had about Dubai or the UAE that’s been dispelled after you got here?

I came to Dubai with an open mind, without any preconceived notions and I found it to be vibrant, cosmopolitan and a happening city.

7. What has been your most successful blog post and what is it about?

My most successful blog post is about Donelli non alcoholic sparkling grape juice. It is a well known Italian brand.

8. Name some of the bloggers/personalities whom you look up to and why?

FooDiva for her honest restaurant reviews, The Hedonista for her travel insights and Khalid Al Ameri for positive vibes.

9. What tips can you share to aspiring bloggers in the UAE?

Stay true to your passion and niche.

meghana blogger dubai

Connect with Meghana Online:

Instagram: @megsblogged
Twitter: @megsblogged
Facebook: @megsblogged

* Images provided by Meghana

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