The sky’s the limit… or so they say, but not for these two outstanding jet pilots, who, yet again, return for another challenge organized by Jetman Dubai. This time, it is to fly alongside the world’s largest passenger aircraft, the Emirates A380 Plane.
The brilliant aerial performance as shown in this video features experienced Jetman pilots Yves Rossy and Vince Reffet, where the two are seen hovering above and alongside one of the world’s largest passenger aircrafts, as they course over Palm Jumeirah for a piece of an up-close view of the Dubai skyline.

Here is a YouTube video clip of two jet pilots flying alongside an Emirates A380 Aircraft:
Jet Pilots Fly alongside an Emirates A380 Aircraft
And while this feat is not quite exactly the same as flying through tall buildings on a jet pack, one could only but wonder how challenging it must have been to fly beside a moving aircraft with engines blasting at maximum power, some thousands of feet above the ground.
Whatever is at stake on this death-defying stunt, surely: it is not for the faint of heart. The plane pilots together with Rossy and Reffet, must fly their engines with exact precision and distance from each other so as not to cause a collision in mid-air (because that is clearly not what everybody signed up for). Needless to say, in order to pull off this outrageous stunt, maximum planning and coordination must be perfectly executed.

And after they successfully do, it’s very reassuring to know that these aircraft pilots are always on top of their game to give us, their passengers, a world-class flight experience, even as they do it to pull off yet another insane stunt such as this. Other than the flight experience, there’re also plenty of things to look forward to from the new services offered by the Emirates A380 Hub which include a wide array of shops, dining outlets, as well as world-class lounges. Indeed, it is this type of first-class facilities that put an airline service such as the growing fleet of Emirates A380s rightfully on top of the world.
See for yourself and tell us how you felt as you were watching the aerial stunt unfold right before your eyes by writing a comment on the section below.