How to get the best out of Dubai

Dubai can seem like a mysterious land for those unfamiliar, but the UAE city is far more accessible than many believe, containing within it numerous activities to enjoy, locations to see, and things to do. But how should visitors to Dubai create the best overall experience for themselves?

getting the most out of dubai

To help out potential travellers to the area, Attraction Tickets Direct have put together a guide to getting the best out of Dubai, including a selection of top tips to help visitors enjoy the experience to the fullest. Dubai Travel Blog were thrilled to be involved in the piece, and were asked by ATD to offer our own tips for visitors.

Some of our advice includes: where to shop (with information on shopping seasons), how to travel around, information on Old Dubai, and some recommended fun activities to enjoy, such as La Perle Dubai. The guide also includes advice on packing for Dubai, tips for travelling with children, and suggestions for what time of year to visit. You can read the entire article, including our contributions, via the link above over at the Attraction Tickets Direct website. Enjoy!

For more tips on visiting Dubai, revolving around food, culture, lifestyle and more, make sure to take a look at our tips page, containing a whole host of articles.